Cross-border trade/Thailand International Asia World Food Exhibition!!!

The International Trade Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, the Thai Chamber of Commerce and Germany’s Koln Exhibition Co., Ltd. jointly held a press conference in Bangkok to announce that the 2024 Thailand Asia International Food Exhibition will be held in Bangkok from May 28 to June 1.

In order to further explore the international market in Southeast Asia and promote the stability and quality of the city’s foreign trade, Jinan Erjin will organize enterprises to participate in the Bangkok International Asian World Food Exhibition held in Bangkok, Thailand on May 28, 2024, and hereby inform the relevant matters as follows

Bangkok, Thailand International Asia World Food Exhibition

Location: Thailand Exhibition

Industry: Food
Exhibition time: May 28 – June 1, 2024


One of the most influential food exhibitions in Asia Thailand Bangkok Asian World Food Exhibition THAIFEX was founded in 2004, held once a year, is one of Asia’s most influential food exhibitions.

Thaifex Anuga Asia is an international trade show and conference for food, beverage, catering, food technology, hotel and restaurant needs, trade and franchising.

The show is held annually at the Impact Arena convention and Exhibition Center in Nonthaburi, 20 kilometers north of downtown Bangkok.
On the first day, the fair is open only to professional visitors, but the last two days are also open to private visitors.
It is divided into three main regions: Seafood World, Coffee and Tea World, and Food Service World.

As the leading platform for the food and beverage industry in Southeast Asia, it offers a wide range of high-quality products, in addition, the show is open to private visitors, bringing numerous opportunities for exhibitors to make connections and do business.
Seminars on topics such as product demonstrations, coffee roasting and cocktail recipes, as well as an extensive executive program complete the content of the fair and round it out with various competitions.
Thaifex Anuga Asia will be held in Nuonburi Province for five days from Tuesday, May 28 to Saturday, June 1, 2024.
Wide range of exhibition: In previous years, the scope of Thai food exhibition only includes aquatic products, coffee and tea and food service three categories, this year in addition to these three categories, also includes food technology, confectionery, meat, frozen food, beverages, fruits and vegetables, rice and food processing, etc., to create an industry-wide value chain for exhibitors, but also for exhibitors in the same exhibition to provide more possibilities and opportunities.
The exhibition scale is large: Bangkok food exhibition THAIFEX receives an average of more than 30,000 visitors each year, with more than 1,000 exhibitors, of which 80% are from overseas, the main exhibition areas are Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan
Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland and other 24 countries and regions, because of this, Thailand Asia World Food Show to exhibitors and visitors to bring a variety of national characteristics of the product display and experience, but also by everyone’s love and recognition.
The organizer of THAIFEX food exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand is organized by the Cologne International Exhibition Company, which is one of the world’s major exhibition organizers. It has many branches around the world, and the exhibitions held are excellent exhibitions in related industries.

We, as a producer of beer beverages, are about to embark on a journey to Thailand to participate in the food exhibition! This is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges, are you ready to go with us?

At the exhibition, we will present our latest range of beer and beverage products. From classic flavors to innovative recipes, each one carries our passion and ingenuity.


Post time: May-23-2024